Monday, October 20, 2014

AX 2012 Development Cheat Sheet

AX 2012 Development Cheat Sheet / X++ Cheat Sheet
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
3:02 PM
How to access individual field on the form using form data source?
myTable_ds.object( fieldNum( myTable, myField ) ).visible( false );

How to create an auto lookup without writing code where Field 2 lookup is based on Field 1 Value?
In order to achieve this create a relationship in the related table but make sure Field 1 is the first relation in the relationship and Field 2 is the second relation. This can be done by actually creating Field 2 relation before Field 1.

How to create a simple dialog box?
Dialog      dialog;
DialogField field;
dialog = new Dialog("My Dialog");
dialog.addText("Select your favorite customer:");
field = dialog.addField(ExtendedTypeStr(CustAccount));;
if (dialog.closedOk())

How to convert string to enum?
SMATransactionType  transactionType;
transactionType = str2enum(transactionType, "Hour");

Date Time Affectivity
utcDateTime fromDateTime, toDateTime;
fromDateTime = DateTimeUtil::newDateTime(3\3\2012, 0);
toDateTime   = DateTimeUtil::maxValue();

#Selecting a time effective record based on from date
select validTimeState(fromDateTime) table;

#Selecting a time effective record based on from date and to date
select validTimeState(fromDateTime, toDateTime) table;

Import Text File
static void RB_ReadTextFile(Args _args)
    Filename                                              filename = @'C:\Desktop\AX2012.txt';
    System.IO.StreamReader          reader;
    System.String                                   line;
    InteropPermission                       interopPermission;
    Str                                                         text;

    interopPermission = new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ClrInterop);

    reader = new System.IO.StreamReade(filename,System.Text.Encoding::get_UTF8());
    line = reader.ReadLine();

    while (!System.String::IsNullOrEmpty(line))
        line = reader.ReadLine();
        text = line;
        info(strfmt("%1", text));


Import CSV File
static void RB_ReadCsvFile(Args _args)
    IO  iO;
    CustAccount custAccount;
    CustName custname;
    FilenameOpen        filename = "C:\\Desktop\\RB.csv";
    Container           record;
    boolean first = true;


    iO = new CommaTextIo(filename,#IO_Read);

    if (! iO || iO.status() != IO_Status::Ok)
        throw error("@SYS19358");
    while (iO.status() == IO_Status::Ok)
        record =;
        if (record)
            if (first)  // to exclude the header
                first = false;
                custAccount = conpeek(record, 1);
                custname = conpeek(record, 2);

Import Excel File
// >>> abdul @ 4th June 2014 / This job is used to update the parking locations for all shifts
//>>> Excel Format / Shift ID, Block ID, Parking Location
static void MSTA_DM_Roster_UpdateParkingLocations(Args _args)
    //Dialog Field
    Dialog fileDialog;
    DialogField sharedPath;

    // Excel Setup
    SysExcelApplication application;
    SysExcelWorkbooks workbooks;
    SysExcelWorkbook workbook;
    SysExcelWorksheets worksheets;
    SysExcelWorksheet worksheet;
    SysExcelCells cells;
    COMVariantType type;
    int row = 1;
    //Data Setup
    MSTARosterGroupLine rosterGroupLine;
    MSTARosterLine rosterLine;
    str 20 shiftFilter;

    fileDialog = new Dialog("Select parking locations improt files for company " + curext());
    fileDialog.addText("Select parking locations improt files for company " + curext());
    sharedPath = fileDialog.addField(extendedTypeStr(FilenameOpen), "File Path");;
    if (fileDialog.closedOk())
            application = SysExcelApplication::construct();
            workbooks   = application.workbooks();
            //TODO: Enter the excel file path
            workbook = workbooks.item(1);
            worksheets = workbook.worksheets();
            worksheet = worksheets.itemFromNum(1);
            cells = worksheet.cells();

                //First row should be column names
                row = row + 1;

                while select forupdate rosterGroupLine               
                    where rosterGroupLine.ShiftId == Global::COMVariant2Str(cells.item(row, 1).value())                      
                    rosterGroupLine.ParkingLocationUniqueId = Global::COMVariant2Str(cells.item(row, 3).value());
                    while select forUpdate rosterLine
                        where rosterLine.GroupRefId == rosterGroupLine.RecId
                        if(rosterLine.VehicleBlockId == Global::COMVariant2Str(cells.item(row, 2).value()))
                            rosterLine.ParkingLocationUniqueId = Global::COMVariant2Str(cells.item(row, 3).value());
                type = cells.item(row, 1).value().variantType();
            }while (type != COMVariantType::VT_EMPTY);

            info("Records Import " + int2str(row));


Importing Data from Database

Which EDT is associated with File Selection and Folder Selection
For folder use FilePath EDT
For File Name use FileNameOpen EDT

How to make any alphabet as capital letter?
Use strUp method

How to create manual auto numbering system?
A technique I used in HR was as below,

// >>> abdul @ 3rd June 2014 / Get New Auto Number Based On Company
public static str getNewPersonnelNumber()
    int maxLenght = 4;
    str tempEmployeeID;
    str newNumber;
    int newIndex;
    str companyIdx;
    HCMWorker localWorker;
    str ret;
    str 2 companyIdFilter;

    //Pickup the first digit as company name
    companyIdx = String::trimToLength(curext(), 1);
    companyIdx = strUpr(companyIdx);
    companyIdFilter = companyIdx + '*';
    select firstOnly localWorker
        order by localWorker.PersonnelNumber desc
        where localWorker.PersonnelNumber like companyIdFilter;
    tempEmployeeID = localWorker.PersonnelNumber;
    newNumber = String::replaceAll(tempEmployeeID, companyIdx, "");
    newIndex = str2int(newNumber);
    newIndex = newIndex + 1;
    newNumber = String::fillString(maxLenght - strLen(int2str(newIndex)), '0') + int2str(newIndex);
    newNumber = companyIdx + newNumber;
    ret  = newNumber;

    return ret;
// >>> abdul @ 3rd June 2014 / Get New Auto Number Based On Company

Creating a form at run time / dynamic form

Creating and saving AX object on runtime (Saving in AOT Tree)

Creating a sys progress bar
SysOperationProgress    progressBar = new SysOperationProgress();
// Initialising progress bar
progressBar.setCaption("Export To Excel in progress...");

progressBar.setText(strfmt("Employee %1",;

Traversing a data source on a form
PRMJournalTransHeader journalTransHeaderLocal;
    if(Box::yesNo("@BCS10177", DialogButton::No) == DialogButton::Yes)
        for (journalTransHeaderLocal = PRMJournalTransHeader_DS.getFirst();
            journalTransHeaderLocal; journalTransHeaderLocal = PRMJournalTransHeader_DS.getNext() )

Ledger Dimensions Functionality
Print the financial dimensions for all employments
static void MSTA_HR_140610_EmplDim(Args _args)
    HcmWorker worker;
    HcmEmployment employment;
    SysOperationProgress    progressBar = new SysOperationProgress();
    // Initialising progress bar
    progressBar.setCaption("Printing in progress...");
    while select worker
        progressBar.setText(strfmt("Employee %1",;
        employment = HcmEmployment::getActiveEmploymentsByWorker(worker.RecId);
            info(strFmt("%1, %2, Department Value: %3", worker.PersonnelNumber,, getDefaultDimensionValue(employment.DefaultDimension, "Department")));

How to get the dimension value from a ledger dimension

static str 255 getDefaultDimensionValue(RecId defaultDimension, Name dimName)
    str 255 ret;
    DimensionAttributeValueSetStorage dimStorage;
    dimStorage = DimensionAttributeValueSetStorage::find(defaultDimension);
    ret = dimStorage.getDisplayValueByDimensionAttribute(DimensionAttribute::findByName(dimName).RecId);
    return ret;

How to get the dimension value from a ledger dimension

static RecId setDefaultDimensionValue(RecId defaultDimension, Name dimName, str 255 dimValue)
    DimensionAttributeValueSetStorage dimStorage;
    Counter i;
    DimensionAttribute dimAttributeCostCenter;
    DimensionAttributeValue dimAttributeValue;
    dimStorage = DimensionAttributeValueSetStorage::find(defaultDimension);
    dimAttributeCostCenter = DimensionAttribute::findByName(dimName);
        dimAttributeValue = DimensionAttributeValue::findByDimensionAttributeAndValue(dimAttributeCostCenter, dimValue, true, true);

How to update worker dimension values

static void MSTA_HR_140610_UpdateEmplDim(Args _args)

    HcmWorker worker;
    HcmEmployment employment;
    SysOperationProgress    progressBar = new SysOperationProgress();

    // Initialising progress bar
    progressBar.setCaption("Printing in progress...");

    while select worker
        progressBar.setText(strfmt("Employee %1",;
        employment = HcmEmployment::getActiveEmploymentsByWorker(worker.RecId);
            employment.DefaultDimension = Global::setDefaultDimensionValue( employment.DefaultDimension, "Contract", "None");
            employment.DefaultDimension = Global::setDefaultDimensionValue( employment.DefaultDimension, "ContractType", "None");
            info(strFmt("%1, %2, Department Value: %3", worker.PersonnelNumber,,
                getDefaultDimensionValue(employment.DefaultDimension, "Department")));

How Can I use distinct / unique is X++ statements?
Use 'GroupBy'  in the select statement which field you want the distinct records.

A4 portrait and landscape paper size?
The paper size for A4 portrait is 8.27 * 11.69 inches and for Landscape is 11.69 * 8.27. Make sure that the page size is inclusive of the margins.
The paper size for A4 portrait is 210 * 297 mm and for Landscape is 297 * 210. Make sure that the page size is inclusive of the margins.

How to convert EDT to str to be used in dialog fields?
Use extendedTypeStr

How to shrink the database log files?
See names of the log file in DB
SELECT name, physical_name AS current_file_location
FROM sys.master_files

USE AdventureWorks2012;
-- Truncate the log by changing the database recovery model to SIMPLE.
ALTER DATABASE AdventureWorks2012
-- Shrink the truncated log file to 1 MB.
DBCC SHRINKFILE (AdventureWorks2012_Log, 1);
-- Reset the database recovery model.
ALTER DATABASE AdventureWorks2012

How to export to Excel?
static void SR_SysExcelWorksheetHelper(Args _args)
    CustTable               custTable;
    SysExcelWorksheetHelper worksheetHelper;
    SysExcelHelper          sysExcelHelper;
    SysExcelWorksheet       worksheet;
    int                     currentRow = 1;
    int                     sumRow;
    str                     worksheetName;
    int                     redColor = WinAPI::RGB2int(25500);
    SysExcelRange           range;
    COMVariant              cellValue = new COMVariant(COMVariantInOut::Out);
    str                     fileName;
    str attachmentPath      = "C:\\";

    // Sets the font color for a range of cells
    void setRangeFont(int _fromColumn, int _fromRow, int _toColumn, int _toRow, int _rgbIntColor)
        range = worksheetHelper.getWorksheetRange(_fromColumn, _fromRow, _toColumn, _toRow);
        worksheetHelper.setFontColor(range, _rgbIntColor);

    // Defines the columns of the spreadsheet

    worksheetName = "@SYS135880";

    sysExcelHelper = SysExcelHelper::construct();


    worksheet = sysExcelHelper.addWorksheet(worksheetName);

    worksheetHelper = SysExcelWorksheetHelper::construct(worksheet);

    // Populate the header row with the appropriate field labels and format the columns
    worksheetHelper.addColumnFromTableField(#AccountNum, tablenum(CustTable), fieldnum(CustTable, AccountNum));
    worksheetHelper.addColumnFromTableField(#Currency, tablenum(CustTable), fieldnum(CustTable, Currency));
    worksheetHelper.addColumnFromTableField(#CustGroup, tablenum(CustTable), fieldnum(CustTable, CustGroup));
    worksheetHelper.addColumn(#BalanceMST, "Balance MST", Types::Real);

    while select custTable
        currentRow ++;
        worksheetHelper.setCellValue(#AccountNum, currentRow, custTable.AccountNum);
        worksheetHelper.setCellValue(#Currency, currentRow, custTable.Currency);
        worksheetHelper.setCellValue(#CustGroup, currentRow, custTable.CustGroup);
        worksheetHelper.setCellValue(#BalanceMST, currentRow, custTable.balanceMST());
    if (currentRow > 1)
        sumRow = currentRow + 2;

        worksheetHelper.setCellValue(#BalanceMST, sumRow, "@SYS58659");

        worksheetHelper.sumRange(worksheetHelper.getWorksheetRange(#BalanceMST, 2, #BalanceMST, currentRow), #BalanceMST, sumRow);

        setRangeFont(#BalanceMST, 2, #BalanceMST, currentRow, redColor);

        cellValue = worksheet.cells().item(sumRow, #BalanceMST).value();
        if (cellValue.currency() > 0)
        setRangeFont(#BalanceMST, sumRow, #BalanceMST, sumRow, redColor);

    // Generate the file using the current UTC date time (without the ‘:’ character)
    // since it is not allowed for file names.
fileName = strfmt("%1%2%3", WinApi::getTempPath(), strReplace(DateTimeUtil::toStr(DateTimeUtil::utcNow()), ":",""), sysExcelHelper.getFileExtension());;

How to get temporary Path in AX?

How to add a new Field in Managerial Hierarchy (Workflow Approval Limits)?
In order to add a new field in the managerial hierarchy either create a new HierarchyProvider or use WorkflowLimitHierarchyProvider class and add new fields in it.  Check the new method of WorkflowLimitHierarchyProvider  to get an overview.

Infolog system in Dynamics AX, how does it work?
setPrefix("Level 1");

Unbalanced TTS Begin
static void resetTTS(Args _args)
    while (appl.ttsLevel() > 0)

How to check if Code is running in CIL?
Use if(xSession::isCLRSession()) {…}

Reflection: Traverse Projects AOT
static void MSTA_Utility_ExportAllProjects(Args _args)
    SysOperationProgress    progressBar = new SysOperationProgress();

    TreeNode _treeNode;
    TreeNode projectNode;
    TreeNodeIterator iterator;
    int i, a;
    // Initialising progress bar
    progressBar.setCaption("Export To Excel in progress...");

    _treeNode = infolog.projectRootNode();
    _treeNode = _treeNode.AOTfirstChild();

    for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        iterator = _treeNode.AOTiterator();
        projectNode =;
        while (projectNode)
            progressBar.setText(strfmt("Project %1", projectNode.treeNodeName()));
            if(String::beginsWith(projectNode.treeNodeName(), "MSTA"))
            projectNode =;
        _treeNode = _treeNode.AOTnextSibling();


Reflection: Traverse Classes AOT
//Traverse Class
static void FindClassStartsWithXXX(Args _args)
   UtilIdElements utilId;
   while select utilId where utilid.recordType == UtilElementType::Class
   && like 'XXX*'

//Traverse Class
static void FindTablesStartsWithXXX(Args _args)
   UtilIdElements utilId;
   while select utilId where utilid.recordType == UtilElementType::Table
   && like 'MSTA*'

//Update Class Properties
static void RenameXXXObjectsToYYY(Args _args)
   TreeNode  node = TreeNode::findNode(@'\Classes\XXXClass');
   str oldName;
   str newName;
   oldName = node.AOTgetProperty(#PropertyName);
   newName = strdel(oldName,1,3);
   node.AOTsetProperty(#PropertyName, "YYY"+newName);
   node = null;

How to add database log manually?

    DatabaseLog dblog;
    dblog.logTable = tableNum(HcmWorker);
    dblog.LogType = DatabaseLogType::Delete;

Dynamics AX Collections
How to create a list of records and iterate them?
 AifAction aifAction;
    List actionsList = new List(Types::Record);
    ListEnumerator listEnum;

        listEnum = _actionsList.getEnumerator();
            aifAction = listEnum.current();
            if( aifAction.WebMethodEnabled == NoYes::No &&
                aifAction.WebSvcOutOfSync == NoYes::Yes &&
                aifAction.ErrorState == AifServiceGenerationErrorState::WebServiceOutOfSyncError &&
                aifAction.Intercompany == NoYes::No)

How to convert real numbers to time format
public static str 5 num2Time(real _hours)

    int realPart;
    int decimalPart;
    real hours;
    str hoursStr;
    str minStr;
    int decimalLocation;
    str finalMinutes;
        hours = _hours;
        hoursStr = num2str(hours, 0, 2, 1, 0);
        decimalLocation = strfind(hoursStr, ".", 0, strlen(hoursStr));
        hoursStr = substr(hoursStr, 0, decimalLocation);
        hoursStr = trimString(hoursStr, ["."]);
        minStr = num2str(hours, 0, 2, 1, 0);
        minStr = substr(minStr, decimalLocation, strlen(minStr) - strlen(hoursStr));
        minStr = trimString(minStr, ["."]);
        realPart = str2int(hoursStr);
        decimalPart = str2int(minStr);
        finalMinutes = hoursStr + ":" + (int2str(60 * decimalPart / 100) == "0" ? "00" : int2str(60 * decimalPart / 100));
        return finalMinutes;
        return num2str(_hours, 0, 2, 1, 0);

strFmt("%1:%2", hours div 1, strRfix(int2str(round(abs(hours)*60,1) mod 60),2,"0"))

SQL Server: Identifying and Killing Blocking Transactions

OBJECT_NAME(p.OBJECT_ID) BlockedObjectName,
h1.TEXT AS RequestingText,
h2.TEXT AS BlockingTest,
FROM sys.dm_tran_locks AS tl
INNER JOIN sys.databases db ON db.database_id =tl.resource_database_id
INNER JOIN sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks AS wt ON tl.lock_owner_address =wt.resource_address
INNER JOIN sys.partitions AS p ON p.hobt_id =tl.resource_associated_entity_id
INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_connections ec1 ON ec1.session_id =tl.request_session_id
INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_connections ec2 ON ec2.session_id =wt.blocking_session_id
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ec1.most_recent_sql_handle) AS h1
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ec2.most_recent_sql_handle) AS h2


How to Assign temporary table to Grid?

How to create simple lookup?
Simple lookups can easily be created by adding a relation between the tables.

How to create a dynamic lookup?
In order to create a dynamic lookup there are two steps,
Step1: Create a lookup method in table or class
public static void lookupVendorByCurrency(
    FormControl _callingControl,
    CurrencyCode _currency)
    Query query;
    QueryBuildDataSource qbds;
    QueryBuildRange qbr;
    SysTableLookup lookup;
    query = new Query();
    qbds = query.addDataSource(tableNum(VendTable));
    qbr = qbds.addRange(fieldNum(VendTable, Currency));
    lookup = SysTableLookup::newParameters(tableNum(VendTable), _callingControl, true);
    lookup.addLookupField(fieldNum(VendTable, AccountNum), true);

Step2: Call the lookup method from the overridden lookup method on the data source field
public void lookup(FormControl _formControl, str _filterStr)
    VendTable::lookupVendorByCurrency(_formControl, CustTable.Currency);

Display Method Caching
Display methods must be written at table levels, in AX 2012 you can also use cache display method property of form controls.
CustTable_ds.cacheAddMethod(tableMethodStr(CustTable, name), false);

How to implement multi-threading in AX ?

How to Place a new line character in a Label?
Use  info(strFmtLB("@Label"));

How to change the splash screen for AX?

How to check configuration key?
if (isConfigurationkeyEnabled(configurationKeyNum('MSTARails')))


How to create a new number sequence in AX 2012?
1.  Create an edt : CarId .
AOT >> Extended Datatype
2. Write a code on lode module() on NumberSeqModuleProject
     datatype.parmDatatypeId(extendedTypeNum(Car Id));
     datatype.addParameterType(NumberSeqParameterType::DataArea, true, false);
3.Write a method on Projparameters Table
client server static NumberSequenceReference numRefcarId()
     return NumberSeqReference::findReference(extendedTypeNum(car Id));
4.Write a job and run that
static void Carid(Args _args)
    NumberSeqModuleProject  NumberSeqModuleProject = new NumberSeqModuleProject();
5. Then run the wizard
Organization Administration >> CommonForms >> Numbersequences>>Numbersequences>> Generate >> run the wizard.
6.Now we have to check the number sequence  is correctly working  for that write a job:
static void number(Args _args)
    NumberSeq  numberSeq;
    CarId num;
    numberSeq = NumberSeq::newGetNum(ProjParameters::numRefcarId());
    num = numberSeq.num();
Run the above job.We will find the generated Number     sequence.                                                    .
7. Now we want that Number Sequence in form level(Car Table):
Declare the number sequence On Form Declaration:
public class FormRun extends ObjectRun
    NumberSeqFormHandler numberSeqFormHandler;

8. Write the NumberSeqFormHandler() in form methods node.
NumberSeqFormHandler numberSeqFormHandler()
    if (!numberSeqFormHandler)
        numberSeqFormHandler = NumberSeqFormHandler::newForm(ProjParameters::numRefcarId       ().NumberSequenceId,
                                                             fieldNum(CarTable, Car Id)
    return numberSeqFormHandler;
9.Write the close() on the form methods node.
void close()
    if (numberSeqFormHandler)
10. Then final add the below methods on data source methods node
void create(boolean append = false,
            boolean extern = false)  // If created externally


    if (!extern)
public void delete()
public void write()
Validate Write()
public boolean validateWrite()
    boolean         ret;
    ret = super();
    ret = element.numberSeqFormHandler().formMethodDataSourceValidateWrite(ret) && ret;
    if (ret)
    return ret;
Link Active()
public void linkActive()
Now our numberseqence is generated .
*** Set the field or Tabpage Allowedit property to No.
***Check the continues on wizard.


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